Yearbook Reflections - Prophecy (Song on this page is by the "Original Trophies!) |
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![]() ![]() Down, down she falls and lands in--well, what do you know--right in the arms of Bill Bedard, president of the class of 1961. My-y-y but it's dark down there; it seems to bear a slight resemblance to the darkness that envelops the cars of the Senior boys while they are feeding the line to the Senior girls. "Where am I, who are you?" shouts Alice. Much to her disappointment she is swished from Bill's arms and dropped on a stretcher to have any cuts and bruises she may have received from her perilous fall, attended to. In the good hands of Dr. Crosby (Have knife, will travel) Loomis and Dr. Ed (Give her the needle) Holiday, being assisted by Nurses Jessie Handcock, Barbara Nichols, Corinne Huestis, Evelyn Clough, Teresa Amato, Pat Groulx, Joanne Henry, and Claire Nixon, Alice is operated on for any internal injuries. Unfortunately these nurses are no Betsey Rosses, so to face the emergency the "Knit-one, Pearl-two" sewing club, comprised of Barbara Edwards, Ann Cooper, Brenda Macie, Carolyn Goddard, Helen Ingalls, Bernita Chamberlin, and Eleanor Bartlett, is called in. Alice, looking at the sewing job done with purple and white thread, no less, becomes more than anxious to leave "Quacks Amalgamated Hospital." In her attempt to break away she is apprehended by the following policemen: Bob Herrick, Gary Graves, Dick Herbert, Jack Malloy, Clinton Tefft, Ed Dascomb, Ronald Wood, Terry Martin, and Howard Eddy. They take her "up the river" and toss her into Cell 222, where she meets cell- mates Mavis Shaw, Darlene Barnett, Sharon Leamy, David Wheelock, and Melinda Richards, who had been placed in jail for the simple reason that they let their urge for painting get the better of them and had painted the Queen's roses red. While in jail, she spends her leisure time reading the prison newspaper called the "Shush Hush Confidential Scandal Sheet and Tips for the Lovelorn" which is edited by Karen (how do you spell kat?) Hebb and Shirley (Quiet please, genius at work) Fuller. With the assistance of their writers and reporters Virginia Ellis, Debbie Jones, Ann Starkey, Carolyn Williams Carolyn Jerard, Alice Barber and Susan Campbell, and with the persistent work of printers (the Ink Blots) Charlie Bristol, Dainard Sanborn, Roland Barrows, Larry Bober, and Dean Bristol, the paper proves to be very interesting. The Shush Hush etc. carries a story about a wild croquet game which was held the Saturday before Alice's arrival. Paul (Listen, you mallet heads!) Bebee, captain of the local team consisting of Bill Douglas, Ken Carpenter, David Cooke, Steve Strong, Donald Butynski, James Mayotte, Knute Westerlund, George Karson, and Dwight Sprague had to bow in defeat to the Matrons' Society of Sticky Wickets. This team is made up of Cynthia (What, Me athletic?) Nesbitt, Karen Clark, Elaine Georgina, Sandra Jacques, Vivian Avery, Karen Brackett, Sandra Lucier, Jerrilyn Carley, and Norma Robinson. The boys' "tongue in cheek" excuse was, "We couldn't distinguish the wickets from the girls' bowed legs." Alice is interrupted while reading this thrilling sports news and whisked off to court to stand trial. Judge Richard (I like to throw books at people) Michelman calls the court to order. Alice is then introduced to the guilty-looking jurist who are Pat Wilson, Judy Puffer, Carolyn Jones, Donna Martin, John Stanley, Sharon White, Robert Wheelock, Helen Pogal, and Judy Bell. The trial is then begun, but due to the flagrant incompetence of the two 'hick town' lawyers, Ted (I got another parking ticket) Gale, and Leo (I must be in the wrong court--no basketball!) Barile, Alice is found innocent by the jury. Now, fresh out of jail and rarin' to go, Alice sets her course for the Queen's court. On her way she meets the Mad Hatter, Bill (woo-woo) Stone in disguise, and he invites her to tea. But much to Alice's surprise the party turns out to be a "coketail" time with Audrey Farnum, Adrienne Naeve, Fran Worden, Ann Collis, Marilyn Foote, Jane Bryant, Geraldine O'Neil with Susie (the duchess) Foley pouring. While drinking "coketails" and listening to gossip, Alice decided she must be leaving if she is ever to get to see the Queen. On her way once more she becomes hopelessly lost and bumps into a building with a sign over the door saying "Eggheads Unanimous," and goes inside. She meets Geoff Legg, Dave Beuhler, Pat Jones, Doug Teeson, Cheryl Macie, Jo Ann Fitch, Carlton Struthers, Bill Thayer and Jim Plumpton. After a very inspiring slide rule discussion, Alice decides she is no better off than when she started. But out of the clear blue sky comes Marshall (Cheshire cat) Hastings, who directs her to the main road. Again on her way, she is passed by a numerous number of horseless chariots piloted by John McKay, Arlen LaMorder, Bob Goodell, Robert Austin, Charlie Plumer, Danny Barnes, Ken Emery, Jay Mosbaugh, Robert Howe, John Lane, Elton Kinsman, Ken Johnson, Bill Kirchberg, Larry Cooke and Delwin Wilder who are all on their way to the coliseum in Indianapolis. Alice continues on her way without further ado. She arrives at the castle gate and goes inside immediately to find herself in a great deal of confusion and rushing about. When she is finally able to get the attention of a stander-by she asks what is wrong. He answers in an excited voice that the Queen's tarts have been stolen! "Queen's tarts," says Alice, "what a silly thing to get so excited about!" But the tart toppers don't think this so silly because they will lose their heads if the tarts are not returned. The worried tart toppers are: Mae Provinchia, Jeannette Plante, Richard Morton, Mary Smith, Carol Jones, Kathleen Boyd, Charley Mehlin, Ronald Manley, Sarah Isham, Treffley Jarvis, Bill Franklin, Judy Winter, Sandra McIndoe, and Janice King who are employed by Jan (Simon Legree) Ulmer and Gordon (A minute saved is a minute saved!) Wood. After all the excitement, Alice decides she will take a walk around the castle before seeing the Queen. The castle was built in the style of early poverty, and Alice notices the meticulous (?) repair work being done. She then comes to a plaque which reads: "This monstrosity of a building was built and painted by Bob Bingham, Richard Fisher, Robert Macie, Curtis Spicer, Fred Ashworth, Raymond Beswick, David Bevis, Ed Hutchins, Winston Stanley, Stewart Wisell and Jerry Zuverino." She wanders further, right into the Queen's beautiful garden, where she sees the Posy Planters and Pluckers of Wonderland working busily. They are: Chapman Thompson, Donald Camolli, Tom LaFlam, Ronald Warriner, Ralph Grimes, Rodney Winchester and Leonard Perham. At long last Alice meets the Queen and is officially welcomed to Wonderland by a banquet and a play. The food consists of pickled-pigs feet topped with whipped cream prepared and served by Carol Wilbur, Valerie Garland, Janet Cavanaugh, Carol Mulkey, Loreen Smith, Carol White, Joan Dusavitch, Shirley Bruce and Barbara Lenois. Providing entertainment during dinner are Marty Crosby, Coleman Johnson, Phil Grassi, Mary Rider, Brent Mazelli and Dave Kinsley as Court Jesters. The main entertainment of the evening features a concert by the "Long Hair Cha-Cha Ensemble" and a drama entitled "I Picked a Lemon in the Garden of Love Where Only Peaches Grow." those in the orchestra are Jack Dunham, Pat Kimball, Sandra Heald, and Gail Palmer, and the actors and actresses are Bob (Just call me Rock Hudson) Anderson, Isabelle Moyse, and Peg Stearns, with William Zelanakas and Ed Wojchick heading the stage crew. Cynthia Carpenter, Sharon Dunnell, Connie Benedict, Barbara Greenwood, Pat Thomas, Judy Willard, Sandra Coughlin, Bonnie Turner, and Ruth Hancock, taking the day off from their secretarial duties, are entertained as special guests of the Queen, and Zephyr (snap-snap) Renaud can also be found around taking official photographs. But of course all good things must come to an end (including this wonderful prophecy!) for Alice wakes up from her dream to find herself in her own room at home. "Oh," screams Alice. Thank heavens that nightmare is over! If that is the way the Class of '61 is going to be twenty years from now, may the saints preserve us, and may Russia have mercy!"
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